Diversity, Inclusion, Anti-Racism Consultant & Third Culture Kid




Use Your Difference To Make A Difference™

Empowering corporations and individuals to improve their bottom line by implementing diversity, social justice, and inclusion initiatives into the workplace.

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Diversity & Inclusion

Move beyond unconscious bias, celebrate diversity, and ensure inclusivity within your institution. 

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Organizational Development & Strategy

Address business challenges posed by globalization, cultural, and political shifts. Tayo’s work touches on aspects such as leadership styles, conflict management, and delegation.

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Develop a true understanding about race, and how racism tends to be perpetuated by systems in organizations. You’ll leave with a desire and plan for how to grow and change for the better.

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Cultural Competence

Develop strategies to build organizational capacity by practicing cultural competency in specific situations.


Speaking Services


As a storyteller, activist, and expert on cross-cultural communications, Tayo captivates and educates audiences with his energy and passion for making a positive difference.

Some of the events Tayo has been a speaker and panelist are TEDx, Mitsubishi, The World Bank, The United Nations Foundation, and the Chatauqua Institution.

Tayo is committed to using his experiences and knowledge to empower people to become more culturally competent, tolerant, impactful, and confident as we move towards a more inclusive global future.


Tayo Rockson is the CEO of UYD Management, a media and strategic consulting firm that focuses on helping companies create inclusive environments, diversify their pipeline, and expand globally and effectively into new markets.

Visit UYD Management