4 Lessons From Beyoncé's Homecoming

Beyoncé Giselle Knowles-Carter, queen Bey or as many know her, Beyoncé just released her Netflix film Homecoming and it was simply brilliant. I mean brilliant even seems like an understatement. While the 2 hours was an incredible journey down memory lane for many of us, what I enjoyed the most was the behind the scenes moments we got to see. 

You know... What makes Beyoncé Beyoncé. Here are 4 things I noticed. 

The Importance of Visualization. 

Beyoncé knew that as she was prepping for Coachella, she was also going to be directing this film so this had to be an incredible experience on stage and on screen. 

Do you get that? That means that you need to be able to see what you want so you can achieve it. She lived out the future in the present and her reality came true.

There Are No Short Cuts.

While it is one thing to visualize, you've got to follow through by actually doing. You’ve got to give your all to what you say you want to achieve. Think about this, for Coachella, Beyoncé had four months of music rehearsals followed by four months of intense dance rehearsals. My favorite part of the film was when she said the following as she was working on something that she hadn't yet achieved yet. 

She said “That’s why people don’t like to rehearse. You gotta be humble. You gotta be willing to look awkward and you gotta study, be a student.” 

If you want to be the best at something, develop your skill sets. Do the reps. 

You want to be so good at what you do that when people are done watching you they say what my good friend Dani Veras likes to say all the time "look at God." 

Have An Appreciation of The Moment. 

They say luck is when preparation meets opportunity. Beyoncé knew the significance of being the first black woman to headline Coachella and she didn't shy away from making it a display of her roots as was displayed with the Historically Black College and University (HBCU) homages. When you have an opportunity, don't be afraid to be fully yourself in that moment.

Find Your Balance. 

One of the most poignant moments of the film was when Beyoncé reflected on the importance of balance. She remarks “I have children. I have a husband. I have to take care of my body. I definitely pushed myself further than I knew I could...and I learned a very valuable lesson: I will never, ever push myself that far again.”

Find your balance.

There you go: visualize, don't take short cuts, appreciate the moment and find your balance.

Till next time, know that you're irreplaceable. You are the dragon breathing fire. Beautiful mane, you are the lion. Use your DIFFERENCE to make a DIFFERENCE.