Stuart Scott- As Cool As The Other Side Of The Pillow

I woke up today and as I normally do I picked up my phone to scroll through my alerts on my phone and amongst the sea of alerts I saw the alert from ESPN that Stuart Scott had died from cancer and I completely lost it. Many of us knew this was coming especially after watching him speak at last year's ESPY's but it still hit me so hard that I completely broke down and rushed to the TV to see what others were saying about him on ESPN.

This is so hard to write right now because I don't want to diminish him in any way but I want to pay him some sort of tribute. 

I remember when I first started watching him as 10 year old before and after school and hearing him say things like "BOO-YA!", "As Cool As The Other Side Of the Pillow" and so many phrases that only he could say.

I remember his willingness to always be himself on the air. The way he smiled when he talked about his daughters and just his overall for his family.

As hard as this is for me to write now. I am reminded by  who he was, how many lives he touched and the way he lived his life to the fullest despite his having cancer three times. 

I leave you with this quote from Stuart Scott. You beat cancer by HOW you live, WHY you live and in the manner in which you live.

Thank you Stuart for encouraging me to use my difference to make a difference. Rest In Peace. You were as cool as the other side of the pillow and BOO-YA! Heaven just got a great one!